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space galaxy

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About Me

Free MySpace BackgroundsSPACE GALAXY a.k.a Naoko Hirose
アパレル、絵画教室講師、バーテンダー、TVå ±€å¤§é“具など仕事を転々としながら
ファッションデザイン/制作・絵画制作・DJ・ グラフィックデザインなどマルチに活動。
2007年、SPACE GALAXY名義でサイケデリックトランスのオーガ ナイザー「TRIPLE-X north」のPARTY DECOを担当。
世界的規模イベント「Earthday」の北海道メイ㠃³ä¼šå ´å…¨ä½“の装飾デザイン・制作を担当。
スペースディレクションと平行して写真を撮 り始める。
室内フェス SOLSTICIO!! @zepp sapporo や 野外フェスMAGICAL CAMP @手稲ハイランド の撮影担当。
現在はスタジオに入り、イベント撮影の他に アーティスト写真や赤ちゃんからお年寄りま で撮影しています。
SPACE GALAXY a.k.a Naoko Hirose
It keeps drawing the picture at infancy.
The work of apparel, the lecturer of the painting classroom, the bartender, and the TV bureau stage setting was done.
Fashion design/production, the painting production, and DJ and the graphic design were done at the time that became empty.
It takes charge of PARTY DECO of organizer "TRIPLE-X north" of a psychedelic transformer by the SPACE GALAXY name in 2007.It takes charge of the decoration design and the production of the entire main hall of worldwide scale event "Earthday" in Hokkaido.
It takes charge of the decoration design and the production of the entire main hall of worldwide scale event "Earthday" in Hokkaido.
It begins to take the photograph in parallel with the space direction.
Shift change of activity in 2008 to photographer.
Indoor Fez SOLSTICIO @zepp sapporo and taking a picture charge of outdoors Fez MAGICAL CAMP @ Teine Highland.
It enters the studio now, and it takes a picture from the artist photograph and the baby to the elderly person besides the event taking a picture.

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