Bassist in the house!
This is NARU. born&mostly grew up in Tokyo.moved to LA&NY few times so these 2 are also hometown.
Living in NY now.
Electric Bass player.
I basically like Groove Music(R&B,Funk,Gospel,Soul,Hip Hop,Jazz),
Classical,Fusion,New Age,Ambient&Healing Music.
"GROOVE" is always the keyword.
And I've got a great Bass Mentor.
He is so lively and unique person. I'd really like to thank him.
If you have chance to come to Japan, check me out!
Are you ready to rock with me?!
Let's crash it guys!!
As everyone knows, "MUSIC" is the keyword to the universal language! This is my mentor's word. But I'm feeling the same way.
There is no border in music. I'd like to tell people who don't know what music is.
No music, No life,,,, absolutely...
If you want to listen my tunes, check this out on my myspace↓
http://www. myspace. com/naruyukimiyahara
peace, Naru
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