play, forward, rewind, paus, make up, dress down, contemporary art, theory, philosophy, colors, weather, water, skin, touch, sleep, love,..etc
artists, writers, photographers and everyone interested in contemporary art.
eclectic, elastic, electronic, 60´s,..
i have seen them all
...not anymore
begin by painting the model in a base fleshtone. Next, grab a splatter brush and load with pure red and start splattering but keep the RGB intensity extremely light. Do a new splatter coat in yellow and be careful with yellow since it is easy to overdo. Follow this with a blue layer paying a little more attention to areas of the skin that might want this cool color...maybe lips or eyelids or neck...depends on the model. At some point grab a regular brush on a very small setting...this is not a splatter coat but a regular, and wiggle all over the model with this very very light white mottling. Everything is done very lightly and randomly and happy mistakes are good mistakes. You can also sample from the model at this point, grabbing some flesh tone, and spray lightly or jittery back over everything, pushing these splotches under the surface. Rinse and repat all above multiple great deep complex skin