Erehwon profile picture


Noise Performance Unit Erehwon's MySpace page

About Me

Raita Ishikawa a.k.a. Erehwon
The artist, mainly conceptual art. He produces a lot of installations by using various materials such as texts, the materials for construction site, video, magnetic waves, living animals, bones, weapons, political declaration texts, and so on. As the extension of these works, he formed the noise performance unit "Erehwon" with Mitsushiro Hiruma in '97. He brings iron plates and springs for construction to the stage, operating contact microphone as sound sauce, and composing his original sound sculpture. The sound that traces the shadow and the ray of light in the industrial age is considered most realistic and unconsciously the most fundamental BGM for us who are living in this contemporary world.
[translated by Fujii Tetsu.]
copyright (c) lethe.voice festival 2003 All Rights Reserved.

Activities of Raita Ishikawa
"Japan Design Net / WEB SKYDOOR"
New visions in contemporary Japanese art 2004"
Mori Art Museum, Tokyo
"FUSION: Architexture + Design in Japan"
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

Erehwon's community on "mixi"

石川 雷太 a.k.a. Erehwon
テクスト、建築素材、ビデオ、電磁波、生き た動物や骨、武器、政治的声明文など、多種 多様な素材と引用によるインスタレーション を展開。その延長として、97年に、昼間光城㠁¨ã¨ã‚‚にノイズ・パフォーマンス・ユニット[ Erehwon] を始動。鉄板や工業用スプリングを実際に現 場に持ち込み、コンタクトマイクを用いて音 源とし、独自のサウンド・スカルプチュアを 構成する。インダストリアル・エイジの“光 ”と“影”が写し込まれたそのサウンドは、 現代に生きる我々にとって最もリアルで最も 基礎的な、潜在的なBGMだといえる。
copyright (c) lethe.voice festival 2003 All Rights Reserved.

This video is for the installation of an art exhibition "Between ECO & EGO". Nine sets of liquid crystal displays were exhibited with real radioactive electromagnetic waves, And the text of the 1st declaration of Futurism by Marinetti.
Erehwon LIVE 2007.06.24 "TEITO SENMETSU" at 20000V in Japan, with Genocide Organ, Death Pact International, ARAKATSUMA, Mothra, JACK OR JIVE.
This video is a preview of the document movie of ANKOKU-BUTOH performance "MA-GU-SA-RE". The soundtrack is live improvisation by Erehwon.

My Interests


Member Since: 1/12/2007
Band Members: Raita Ishikawa:
concept, metal junks, electronic devices

Mitsushiro Hiruma:
metal junks, electronic devices

Sounds Like:
Bloom/Blood 3 (2007):

Bloom/Blood 2 (2007):

Bloom/Blood 1 (2007):

"Hanbun-mu" Soundtrack (2007) :

"Kotori-no-chi" soundtrack (2006):

"Kotori-no-chi" soundtrack (2006) :

Jyu-Kinzoku 02 (2000):

Jyu-Kinzoku 01 (2000):

Erehwon/Erehwon (2000):

Type of Label: Indie