people say i'm quiet,sweet N geeky. actually, i'm jus a girl who lovez a night out n jokez, like makin' mah bf's cat huv sexy abs.....check it out! dah cat'z gettin HOT in his sweat pantz..♥ damn!!
every morning mah dream endz wit me going somewhere new. kissez make me blush. music grabs mah heart, so does chocolate.♥♥
candiez drive me crazy. it keepz me stay up all night tah fantasize 'bout whipped cream on muh body!! datz fo sure. lolz
tah tell my story, i have tah talk about sweets first!!...ahh now i need tah work out thou.・*。♡
On the other hand, itz true i'm a bit shy tah new onez, cuz sometimez i've got stressed out 'bout exposin such a weirdness.. i kno thatz just me...okay..i'm tryin' 2 b confident. so, why don't u gimme sum complimentz!!