watching people pick noses as they drive down the street. And Pissing off Canadians EH!
Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, And Bill Gates so I can Kick his ASS.
I like Music it makes me calm when all of the bad thoughts come.
I havn't starred in any yet, still working on it with my crack head agent. HE said for fifty dollars he would make me a star but I havn't heard back from him yet. If you see him tell him I am looking for him. His name is Tyron Bigguns.
I have one woo hoo!! IT"S COLOR!! I sooooooo RULE!!!!href=
Glitter Graphics & Comments
reading is fun for mentals!! I like peotry books. They make really pretty colored flames when tossed into a bonfire.
Myself!!! All this charm and personality... who doesn't love me????..