Welcome to my myspace page. Where you will find a whole lot of nothing and maybe a whole lot of crap. You can find plenty of photo's in my myspace photo book page. You can also see my own personal blogs that I keep here in Myspace blogs be sure to read them located in the myspace blogs section. but enough about the myspace plugs and lets get to talking about me, my self, and I. But remember kiddies and germs this page will utterly give you the lester molester willies or make you say hey why did i waste my time here on this particular page.(insert sarcasim).Well about me now I suppose. I am a very boring person with likes and dislikes just like the avg. nerd roaming out there in the world with the qustions of who do I like more kirt or pacard. Or even star wars and star trek. Um maybe not. What I can tell you is I serve my nation but I am un-happy with the events that i see going on with the way my country deals with others and it's own.I also try to be an avid gammer but I never really seem to have the time any more. I am lucky to even come on here once a month to read over a few up dates now.I also have strange hobbies. I like to costume in starwars garb. I am a member of the 501st legion japan garrison. my costumes consist of sand trooper, darth vader, darth reven, and a jedi. I am also in to the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). I used to hang out in the barony of califia.I also enjoy playing warhammer 40k. basicly modeling and stratagey gaming. Look it up some time.I am an easy going guy that likes to go out and have a good time. I am a bit strange at times and my humor varies from dry to omgwtf did he just say.
What kind of lover are you?
S & M
You're all about sex toys, games, chains, and handcuffs!!! A perfect night for you would be to chain your lover to the bed and have your way with them, though a night of role-playing is always fun too. You most likely have a collection of sex toys in your underwear drawer that never have time to get cold because you're all about doing it whenever and wherever you are. Whew!
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