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レゲエ、R&B、JAZZ、CLASSICなどのたくさんの 音楽からブラッシュ・アップされた歌声、日 本人であるというアイデンティティを強力に 伝える和テイストでありながらジャマイカン ・サンシャインが生み出したかと思わせる様 な褐色の肌、そこからナチュラルに放出され る女性らしを讃えるビューティ。
ミンミは5才の頃からピアノを弾き始め、周゠Šã®å½±éŸ¿ã‹ã‚‰JAZZã‚„SOULなどブラックMUSICに興味㠂’持つようになった。TECHNO、DISCO、HOUSE色んな クラブに遊びに行った10代。
やがて、ミンミは1996年からラバダブシ ョーケースや地元大阪のクラブでのヒップホ ップイベントでマイクを握り始めた。この頃 から既にオリジナルトラックを制作しながら 作詞作曲を始めていたのだ。ライブ活動を始 めてすぐに、現場を盛り上げている女の子が いるらしいという噂で話題になり、RED SPIDERやその他のアーティストのアルバムにゲ スト参加をするのだ。
そして2002年8月、ミンミはJVCレコード社とム¬ã‚³ãƒ¼ãƒ‰å¥‘約しファーストマキシシングル“Th e Perfect Vision”をリリース。このシングル曲は、ラジ オ各局でヘビーローテーションされ、じわじ わと人気が広がり40万枚を売り上げ、並外 れたデビューシングルになったのだ。
同年12月にリリースされたセカンドシング ル“T.T.T”では、アーティストとしての才能㠁¨å¤šæ§˜ãªéŸ³æ¥½ã¸ã®ã‚¢ãƒ—ローチを詰め込んだ。⠀The Perfect Vision“の様なレゲエサウンドとは違って、も っとヒップホップベースの楽曲となっていて 、ミンミにしかできないヒップホップ、レゲ エ、あらゆる音楽の要素を取り入れたアレン ジは、たちまち10代のファンたちに受け入 れられたのだ。
2003年3月に待望のファーストアルバム “Miracle”をリリース。2ヶ月連続でアルバム ãƒãƒ£ãƒ¼ãƒˆãƒˆãƒƒãƒ—5入りし60万枚を売り上だ’ãŸã€‚æ—¥æœ¬ã®éŸ³æ¥½ã‚·ãƒ¼ãƒ³ã§ã®ãƒŸãƒ³ãƒŸã®åœ°ä½ã‚’ç¢ ºç«‹ã—ただけでなく、みんなが待ち望んでいだŸãƒŸãƒ³ãƒŸã®éŸ³æ¥½ãƒ†ãƒ¼ã‚¹ãƒˆã‚’証明するアルバムだ«ãªã£ãŸã®ã ã€‚
アルバムリリースを受け6月から初の全国ツ アー[LIVE TOUR 2003 "Miracle"]をスタート。チケットは即完売とな゠Šã€ã™ã¹ã¦ã®ä¼šå ´ãŒãƒ•ã‚¡ãƒ³ã§åŸ‹ã‚å°½ãã•ã‚ŒãŸã€ ‚アンダーグラウンドとメジャーイベントでだ®çµŒé¨“ã‚’æ´»ã‹ã—ãŸãƒ‘ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ¼ãƒžãƒ³ã‚¹ã§ãƒ•ã‚¡ãƒ³ã‚’é­ …了し成功を収めた。
シングルをリリースし続けるミンミ。9月に 3枚目となるシングル “Another World"、2004年3月には4枚目のシングル ”アイの実“をリリース。最新のブラックMUS ICのトレンドと日本のポップを混ぜながら、㠁ã‚Œã§ã„ã¦ã©ã®ã‚¸ãƒ£ãƒ³ãƒ«ã«ã‚‚åŽã¾ã‚‰ãªã„å½¼å¥³ç ‹¬è‡ªã®ã‚¹ã‚¿ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’確立し、日本の音楽シーン㠁«ãŠã„てメジャーなアーティストとなったの㠁 ã€‚
ミンミは作詞、作曲、アレンジからトラック 制作、プロデュースまですべてをこなす稀な アーティストである。音楽業界内でも彼女の 制作活動が高く注目されるようになり、多く のアーティストへの楽曲提供やプロダクショ ンに携わっている。そして、レゲエ発祥の地 であるジャマイカとヒップホップとR&Bç™ºç¥¥å œ°ã®ã‚¢ãƒ¡ãƒªã‚«ã®ãƒŸãƒ¥ãƒ¼ã‚¸ã‚·ãƒ£ãƒ³ã‚„エンジニア㠁Ÿã¡ãŒå½¼å¥³ã®åˆ¶ä½œã«å‚加した。最新の音楽ト㠃¬ãƒ³ãƒ‰ãŒåŠ ã‚ã£ãŸãƒã‚¤ã‚¯ã‚ªãƒªãƒ†ã‚£ãªéŸ³æ¥½ãŒç”Ÿã ¾ã‚Œã¦ã„る要因ともなっている。
2004年6月30日、待望のセカンドアル バム“imagine”をリリース。全国ライブツアム¼â€MINMI LIVE TOUR 2004“imagine””を同年9月10日からスター㠃ˆã—、12月には5枚目のシングル”Are yu ready”をリリースした。日本の伝統楽器であ㠂‹ä¸‰å‘³ç·šã‚’取り入れたミンミオリジナルリズ㠃 â€SAKURA”がこの曲から生まれ、ジャマイカ㠁§ã‚‚人気となり最もポピュラーなFMãƒ©ã‚¸ã‚ªå±€ï¼ »IREI FM]でもヘビープレイされていた。この頃か㠂‰ã€â€SAKURA”をプロデュースしたJUNIOR(RED SPIDER)にミンミが加わりTSURU KAMEレコーディングの制作チーム「ZA-REC」が゠¸ãƒ£ãƒžã‚¤ã‚«ã§åˆ¶ä½œæ´»å‹•ã‚’å§‹ã‚ã‚‹ã€‚ãã—ã¦ï¼’ï¼ï¼ ï¼•å¹´ã®å§‹ã‚é ƒã‹ã‚‰æ§˜ã€…なジャマイカ人のアム¼ãƒ†ã‚£ã‚¹ãƒˆã‚’ãƒ—ãƒ­ãƒ‡ãƒ¥ãƒ¼ã‚¹ã—ã€ã‚ªãƒªã‚¸ãƒŠãƒ«ã®ï¼ —インチレコードをJA国内でリリースしている 。
2005年の夏、6枚目のシングル”サマー タイム!!”をリリース。この曲はトリニダー㠃‰ãƒ»ãƒˆãƒã‚´ã§ç”Ÿã¾ã‚ŒãŸéŸ³æ¥½ã§ã‚るソカがベー㠂¹ã«ãªã£ã¦ã„る。東京で開催されていたレゲ㠂¨ã‚¤ãƒ™ãƒ³ãƒˆã€Œè¥¿éº»å¸ƒä¼èª¬ã€ã‚‚この年に始まっ㠁¦ã„る。全国ライブツアー、そして8月のサ㠃žãƒ¼ã‚½ãƒ‹ãƒƒã‚¯ã«å‡ºæ¼”するなど、精力的に活動㠂’した。9月には、フィーチャリングベスト㠂¢ãƒ«ãƒãƒ â€œFRIENDS”をリリースした。
その頃日本と反対側に位置する遠く離れたソ カ発祥の地であるトリニダード・トバゴでは "サマータイム!!“が、大きな反響を呼んだ§ã„た。そして翌年の2月には、トリニダーム‰ãƒ»ãƒˆãƒã‚´ã®æœ‰åãªã‚«ãƒ¼ãƒ‹ãƒãƒ«ã«æ‹›å¾…された〠‚このカーニバルは、ブラジルのリオ、イタムªã‚¢ã®ãƒ™ãƒ‹ã‚¹ã¨ä¸¦ã¶ä¸–界三大祭りの一つであ゠Šï¼“万人の観衆の前でミンミは、ワイクリフ゠„他のアーティストを見た観客たちを魅了す゠‹ãƒ‘フォーマンスしたのだ。
3月には待望のサードアルバム"Natural"をリリ ース。このアルバムはヒットシングル、"サムžãƒ¼ã‚¿ã‚¤ãƒ ï¼ï¼â€œã€â€Are yu Ready“、そしてミンミがプロデュースしたク㠃©ãƒ–イベントと同名のギラギラディスコチュ㠃¼ãƒ³ã®"西麻布伝説”が収められていてレゲエ のディーバとしてだけでなく、様々なジャン ルを卓越したアーティストであることを証明 している。
ミンミの全国ツアー“Natural Mystic” & “Natural Showcase”が"Natural"のリリースと同時に始まり㠀å¤ã«ã¯ã‚µãƒžãƒ¼ã‚½ãƒ‹ãƒƒã‚¯â€™ï¼ï¼–やレゲエフェ㠂¹ã«å‡ºæ¼”、9月には、ニューヨークで開催さ㠂ŒãŸã‚½ã‚«ã‚¢ãƒ¯ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã§æ–°äººè³žã«ãƒŽãƒŸãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã•ã‚Œæ ƒœã—くも逃してしまったが世界中のメディア㠁‹ã‚‰æ³¨ç›®ã®çš„になった。
2007年、2年連続となるトリニダード・ トバゴのフェスティバルに参加。この年にミ ンミはキングオブソカとして絶大な人気のあ るマシェル・モンターノHDとのコラボレーシ㠃§ãƒ³æ›²â€œSha na na~Japanese Wine~“をレコーディング。実はマシェルはムŸãƒ³ãƒŸã®ãƒ‘フォーマンスに惚れ込み、前年のム•ã‚§ã‚¹ãƒ†ã‚£ãƒãƒ«ã«å‚加させた人なのである。だ“ã®ãƒ•ã‚§ã‚¹ãƒ†ã‚£ãƒãƒ«é–‹å‚¬ã«åˆã‚ã›ã¦ä¸€ç·’ã«åˆ¶ä½ œã—た”Sha na na~Japanese Wine~“は、トリニダードでリリースされマ゠·ã‚§ãƒ«ã®ã‚¢ãƒ«ãƒãƒ " Book Of The Angels”に収録されている。
フェスティバル出演の為トリニダード・トバ ゴに滞在中、テレビ、新聞、雑誌などのロー カルメディアから注目され連日取材が続いた 。この年はトリニダードで昨年を大きく上回 る合計10万人以上もの観客の前でパフォー マンスした。
国内、国外に限らず、枠に囚われることのな いミンミの活動は、これからも予想をはるか に超えて進んでいくだろう。
The voice, being well-brushed-up thru performing reggae for a long time, still had The “Wa” taste associated with the identity of being Japanese.
Her brown tanned complexion, made from under the Jamaican sunshine, Enhancing her natural beauty and female sensualness.
Her original and artistic style, combined with her independent stance has increased her fan base, being especially appealing to female fans. The “Diva”, MINMI…
MINMI started her musical career in 1996, performing at rub-a-dub showcases and hip hop events in the clubs of Osaka. She also began to develop her own sound by making her own original tracks around this period. Soon after she began performing live, word began to spread about the talented MINMI. She made guest appearances on the albums of established artist such as Red Spider and other artists, of the Japanese Big Sound label. Both CDs featuring MINMI as a guest artist went on become big hits both in the Reggae, and Hip Hop music scenes of Japan.
With great anticipation, MINMI signed her first recording deal with JVC records, releasing "The Perfect Vision" as her first Maxi Single in August 2002. MINMI's first single became extremely popular, and was widely accepted and heavily rotated by as many as 20 FM radio stations. “The Perfect Vision”, after gradually increasing in popularity, would eventually reach 400,000 units sold, an extraordinary figure for a debut single.
With her 2nd Maxi Single, titled "T.T.T.", scheduled to release in December 2002, MINMI began show her artistic talents, and reveal her diverse approach in her music. With a different sound from her Reggae based 1st single "The Perfect Vision", MINMI's 2nd single would be based more from Hip Hop. This unique arraignment of Hip Hop and Reggae flavors, mixed as only MINMI could, became an instant hit with many of her teenage fans.
In March 2003, the long-awaited debut of MINMI's 1st Album "Miracle", was finally released. Although there was only limited exposure prior to its' release, hefty record sales would land "Miracle" in the Top 5 of the Album Sales Chart for 2 months in a row, and would eventually go on to exceeded 600,000 total unit sales. This would only help to solidify MINMI's position in the Japanese music scene, and prove that MINMI's flavor and taste for music, was what the market has desired all along.
To coincide with her album's release, MINMI began her first nationwide tour [LIVE TOUR 2003 "Miracle"] on June 20, 2003. Concert tickets for all of MINMI's summer shows sold out instantly, and were packed with excited fans at every venue. Performing in her own, and other major concerts, mixed with her experience from the underground scene, MINMI was able to successfully entertain her fans.
MINMI has been constantly releasing singles. Her 3rd Single, "Another World", was released in September 2003 and "Ai No Mi", her 4th single, in March 2004. By blending the latest world music trends with the Japanese popular music trends, and not belonging to any specific musical genre, MINMI has become a major artist in the Japanese music industry, and created a style all her own.
MINMI is rare artists in that she does all the songwriting (including the lyrics), arrangements, production works, and making tracks. Her production has become so highly regarded in the industry that she is now being sought by other artist and offered the Production job of the production for the other artists. And also, many of the leading musicians and the engineers from Jamaica, home of Reggae music, and the United States, home of Hip Hop and R&B music, participate in her production, which is a key factor of blending the latest music trend and making high quality music.
On June 30, 2004, her long anticipated 2nd album “imagine” was released. Her nationwide live tour “MINMI LIVE TOUR 2004 “imagine” ”, started on September 10, 2004 and in December, she released her 5th single “Are yu ready”. The song originated from MINMI’s original riddim “SAKURA” which contains a sample of the Shamisen, a Japanese traditional guitar, and became popular in Jamaica as well. From this point, the production team ZA-REC for TSURU-KAME Recording, consisting of MINMI and JUNIOR (Red Spider), who produced the riddim “SAKURA”, started their production works in Jamaica. They have produced various Jamaican artists, and released their original 7 inch vinyls in Jamaica in the start of 2005.
In the summer of 2005, MINMI released her 6th single “Summertime!!”. The song is based on Soca rhythm, the music of Trinidad Tobago. And she was very active in live performances in 2005, from organizing a monthly regular reggae club event in Tokyo, a nationwide club tour, to appearing in the major summer rock festival “Summer Sonic” in August. In September, MINMI released the album “FRIENDS”, the best selection compilation album of her featured works.
In 2006, MINMI’s single “Summertime!!”, the song based on Soca rhythm, had a big reaction in Trinidad Tobago, the home of Soca. In February, She was invited to the famous Trinidad Tobago Festival, which is known as the Top 3 major festivals, compared with the festival in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and Venice in Italy. In the Festival, MINMI performed in front of 30,000 fans, and fascinated the audience who saw her performance, including Wyclef Jean of the Fugees.
In March, MINMI released a long-awaited 3rd album “Natural”. The album includes the hit single “Summertime!!”, “Are yu ready”, as well as the fancy disco tune “Nishi-Azabu Legend” which is the same title of the club event MINMI produces. The album proved that MINMI is not just another Reggae Diva, but diversed into many music genre.
MINMI’s nationwide tour entitled “Natural Mystic” & “Natural Showcase” coincided with the release of “Natural”, and ended successfully, selling out all the dates. In the summer, MINMI appeared in the major rock festival “SUMMER SONIC’06” as the headliner, only Japanese artist to headline in the Festival ever. In Sept. 2006, MINMI was nominated as the Best New Artist of SOCA AWARDS, took place in New York, as the only Japanese artist ever to be nominated in the Awards. She was the center of the attention of the worldwide media.
In 2007, MINMI participated in the Trinidad Tobago Festival for the second straight year. MINMI recorded the new Soca tune “Sha na na ~Japanese Wine~” a collaboration with Machel Montano HD, known as the “King Of Soca”, to coincide with this year’s Festival. Machel was the person responsible for bringing MINMI over to the Festival the previous year. This year, they got together to record the new tune just in time for this year’s Festival. And “Sha na na ~Japanese Wine~” is included in Machel’s new album “Book Of The Angels” was just released in Trinidad Tobago.
Also, in this year’s Festival, MINMI participated in “Soca Monarc”, a competition for the local major artists. She became the first Japanese artist ever to win in the preliminary round and advance s into the final round of the competition. She performed on the National Stage, in front of the audience of over 30,000 people, and MINMI became the first Japanese artist ever to make it into the Best 8 of the Competition. She was Best 3 artist among the female artists in the Competition.
During her month long stay in at the Festival, MINMI was the center of attention of the local media, including TV programs, newspapers, and magazines. And MINMI performed in front of over 100,000 audiences in total in Trinidad Tobago this year.
MINMI’s activity has no limit, in Japan nor abroad, and will keep on going beyond everyone’s expectations in the future to come.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/27/2006
Band Website: minmi.jp/
Band Members: MINMI
Record Label: VICTOR
Type of Label: Major