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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

my name is GO........... nightmareworkz is project of artform.
DJ MIX.....web radio@newtonerecords.(http://www.newtone-records.com/)
http://newtone.dyndns.org/sound/mix/newtone_radio_06_08_03.r amFrom birth on March 18, 1980, and Nara. now,Live in YORON island in japan. party is done in parallel with DJ and the activity of the music of the event produce etc. South Korea, India, Egypt, and Thailand were wandered, and it received it at various parties around party,, < FLOWER OF LIFE>,,(www.flower-of-life.org) done centering on Osaka where the fifth anniversary of this year had been faced.MY SPIN PARTY@JAPAN........ 2007 1.26 1.27 FLOWER OF LIFE 5th ANIVERSARY PARTY!!!!!!!!! !!! @MACAO,,MACAO FAINAL PARTY
FLOWER OF LIFE@macao final 2007 1 26, 127 youtube
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwEkIOOhO1I&mode=related& amp;search=
The inspiration is projected to the work. Stencil..subject..do..all..traditional..art of painting..essence..use..draw..symmetry..composition..base on..graphic..limit..space.. microcosm..bear.Moreover, it keeps infinitely linking people by a peculiar, different sensibility where the response and motion is had, the generation and social grades being exceeded, and the message being sent.
Music is my life. DJ saved my life... I hope ,enjoy music everyone... PLAY THE EARTH!play the planet!!!
this is my handmade mix CD cover and front cd DESIGN1980年3月 18日生まれ。大阪か ら与論島に移住。 、奈良出身。DJやイベントプロデュースなど㠁®éŸ³æ¥½æ´»å‹•ã¨å¹³è¡Œã—て パーティーのフライヤーなどのアートワーク /デザイン制作を行う。 韓国、インド、エジプト、タイを放浪し、今 年5周年を迎えた大阪を軸に行われているパ ーティー 大阪が世界に誇る5次元PARTY.. (www.flower-of-life.org) を中心に、様々なパーティーで受けた インスピレーションを作品に投影。 ステンシルを主体としつつ、あらゆる伝統的 画法をエッセンスに用いて描くシンメトリー な構図を 基調とするグラフィックは、限られたスペー スの中で小宇宙を宿す。 また、静と動を持ち合わす特異異質な感性で 人々を無限にリンク、世代や社会的階層を越 えて メッセージを発信し続けている。 3月11 日から4月1日まで京都のrecord shop and artsace ..で絵の展示会をおこないました! http://www.japonica-music.com/gallery/index.php?album=gooo で製作風景がみれます! DJ SAVED MY LIFE!  MUSIC IS WAY OF MY LIFE!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Culture, thought, and race's different men can exchange more mutually by linking with man all over the world through the art, and I want to live in communications that undertake such an inspiration more more......anti war,anti sale the wapon!!!!I I love the pure heart,vives,music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!芸術を通し て、世界中の人間とリンクして、文化や思想 、人種の違う人間同士が、もっと交流してい ける、そんなインスピレーションをうけるよ うなコミュニケーションをもっともっと、と っていきたいです☆

My Blog

SnÓǪ‹fˆF: Theo Parrish - Kindred Spirit Week-ender - 10/11/06 @ Paradiso

SnÓǪ‹fˆF: Theo Parrish - Kindred Spirit Week-ender - 10/11/06 @ Paradiso ..×íÕ£üëký Y‹ | ‚ch‹‹theo parrish@paradiso !!!
Posted by on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 15:07:00 GMT

King of Clubs- David Mancuso's Disco Wonderland<by Tim Lawrence>May 28th, 2004 4:00 PM

This is a valuable interview. http://www.villagevoice.com/news/0422,lawrence,53947,1.htmlT im Lawrence tells the definitive story of American dance music culture in the 1970s - from its subterranean ro...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 04:42:00 GMT

crazy breakbeats!!!!

I found the interesting youtube video clip!!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SCZv7786KY&mode=relat ed&search=this is stevie wonder drumsolo clip.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SaFTm2bcacthis is th...
Posted by on Thu, 24 May 2007 13:12:00 GMT