Hi I am eighteen and I am residing in Gordonsville, which is about five minutes out from bristol near Woodstock. i love makeing friends and i love my friends that i already consist of.there is more about me below.....All About You Survey
Basic Info...
Name::Dylan Clair
Birthdate:: May 25 1991
Birthpalce:: Bath,NB
Current Location:: Gordonsville, the fucking Ghetto of the country
Hair Color:: Very light blonde
Eye Color:: Pure sea blue
Height:: 5'11
Weight:: about 180 lbs
Zodiac Sign:Gemini(twins)
Ethnicity:: Caucasian
Shoe Size:: 13
Status:: Single........STILL!
Siblings:: two little brothers,one older half brother, one younger sister.
Bedtime:: whenever in summer, 10:30 during school.
Best Physical Feature:: i dunno really, maybe my eyes
Most Embarassing Moment::my parents finding out that i was looking at porn once lol
Most Missed Memory::time spent with my friends back in woodstock.:(
First Thought When You Wake Up:: what the weather is like.
Weakness::shy guys
Greatest Fears:: it used to be the dark(mainly what was in ze dark) and then it's kind of gone now, needles are now my biggest, 3rd would be transports.also being sick.
Most overused Phrase::indeed, or indoovidably
Pet:: cat-name is trigger, he is mein baby.
Fav Drink:: fruitopia,vanilla green tea
Fav Alcoholic drink:: smirnoff (cherry),coolers
Fav Food:: caesar salade, grapenut ice cream,kiwi.
Fav Movie::Alica in Wonderland(disney version)
Fav Resturant:: some pizza place in grandfalls lol
Fav Color:: blues,white,black,yellows,greens,purples,and pinks i hate red.
Fav Actor:: Ian McKellen, Cillian Murphy, Judy Garland und Liza Minelli
Fav Car:: 1977 Corvette
Fav Place:: the woods in my backyard
Fav Store:: Stiches, SEARS
Fav Sport:: European football(soccer),Tennis and basketball
Fav Athlete:: Raphael Nadal (tennis)
Fav Author:: Dean Koontz
Fav Perfume:: Tomorow, blue Polo
This or That...
Pepsi or Coke?...: Pepsi
McDonalds or Burger King?...: burger king
Hot Tea or Ice Tea?...: both
Chocolate or Vanilla?...: Vanilla
Cats or Dogs?...: Cats
Summer or Winter...: Winter for sure, can't stand ze heat
Scary Movies or Romantic Comedies...: both
Been In Love?: im not sure
Get Along with Your Parents?: I do with mein mother
Wanna Get Married?: I would love to someday
Want Kids?: adopt yes, i want a little girl from Iceland
Eat Whatever And Not Worry?: um yeah because my metabilism is always high and im active so i don't worry as much
Do You Think You Can Sing?: yeah
A health freak?: i don't like to eat red meat, and yeah i guess i am
I confess to....: being a homo:)
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