MY BABIESSS AND IGet Your Own! | View SlideshowGet Your Own! | View Slideshow
Get Your Own! | View Slideshow!tz fay th3 d!va. hon3stly !m to kut3 for th!s shyt. unl!k3 3v3ryon3 3ls3 ! dont hav3 to tak3 a p!c of my boot!3 to show how fly !am. ! alr3ady know !m a kut!3 w!t a boot!3 th3r3!z no n33d for m3 to t3ll 3v3ryon3 3ls3. ! lov3 shopp!n an sp3ndin mon3y !t just kum3z naturall!3. my favor!t3 kolor !z l!me green. ! hat3 l!3rs th3y mak3 m3 s!k3. ! lov3 my fam but hat3 my dad. !m a sw33th3art but onc3 you kross m3 ! kan b3 a b!t%# p3opl3 alwayz try to br!ng m3 down but it n3va w3rks. !m a l3ader not a follow3r and ! always kum out on top. alot of oth3r females ar3nt l!k3 m3;! m3an how oft3n do u f!nd b3auty and !nt3ll!g3nc3 !n !m kool.
My L!f3 !Z a BoOk MaN...
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