May* Sister Of the T.H.P Leader* profile picture

May* Sister Of the T.H.P Leader*

About Me

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I traveled from her hometown of Petalburg City to Littleroot Town to see Professor Birch, the authority on Pokémon in the Hoenn region. As a friend of my father's, he had agreed to give me one of three Pokémon; a Treecko, a Torchic, or a Mudkip, so that I could become a Pokémon Trainer. However, when she arrives, she finds that the Hoenn Pokémon Professor has gone after an ill Pikachu belonging to Ash Ketchum, the star of the anime series. I go to look for the professor, only to find him stuck in a tree and about to be attacked by a group of angry Poochyena, similar to the start of Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. His only hope is for May to get a Pokémon out of his bag and use it to fend off the Poochyena. However, I, who was inexperienced at commanding Pokémon, only gets water sprayed in my face by the Mudkip I pulls out. Professor Birch commands the Mudkip and scares off the Poochyena. The experience is less than pleasant for I. After they find Ash, the group is attacked by Team Rocket. In an attempt to get rid of the criminals, Pikachu accidentally fries my bicycle to a crisp, reminiscent of the first episode of the series in which Pikachu fries Misty's bike, giving Misty a reason to follow Ash around for the rest of the series. The audience is led to believe that I will decide to follow Ash for the very same reason. However, the next morning, after choosing Torchic as my starter Pokémon, I stares at the charred remains of my bike in a remorseful fashion, only to shrug it off and say "Eh, who cares?" She decides to accompany Ash so that I can have a travelling companion to show her the ropes. When the group reaches Rustboro City, I decides that instead of collecting gym badges, she's going to dedicate my efforts completely to Pokémon Contests. Since then I have won several ribbons in most of the Contest halls I travelled to. I has a rivalry with a Pokémon coordinator named Drew (or Shu in Japanese) who appears at every other contest that I participates in, often compared to the rivalry that Ash had shared with Gary Oak. In a recent episode of the Battle Frontier saga, Drew asked I to come to Johto with him and other Coordinators. It has been confirmed I will be going to Johto with her rivals.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i would like to met some really nice people/friends.i would also like to met some cool,telagent,friendly friends.

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