♥From Natsu♥
This is Natsumi.Im going to introduce about saki now.She is like my sister lol well my bestfriend=) She is a very honest girl,serious and shy.She loves her friends always and love starbucks lol also love taking pix,girls' talk all nite! I love spending time with her always,,,CRAZyyyy
♥From Chris♥
Well,What can i say about saki?I think the second word says it all.AMAZING!! Saki is wonderful girl,always there to talk to when you need her and always there to be crazy and have fun hehe.
Outside she is cute little monkey but she has a serious side ands mature,grown up,responsible,great.hard working girl!
She loves cars and me too.So we can also share personal things,which is very nice.She is a special girl and very important to me/A great caring Saki and i hope im good for her too.I could write all day but would take me forever to write everything good about saki chan,so i wil ljust say she the BEST hehe!*hugs*
♥From Philip♥
Saki, Saki, and Saki what can I say about Saki. Well first of all it aint Sake she is not an alcoholic beverage made out of rice its Saki with an “I†haha. Saki is one of the rare friends in this world that will really Bend over backwards to make you happy. She is always happy and will always try to make you smile and laugh. Me and Saki and have a lot of things in common but the biggest two are driving fast and sleeping the two greatest pleasures in life. Saki is one of my true friends she will take time out of her life to make sure I am having a good day and I am so grateful for all the times she has my crappy day turn out to be so much better arigato Saki. Oh and also she likes goofy no I mean she LOVES goofy and I got respect for anyone who likes goofy haha. Seriously though I do have a lot of respect for you Saki You are a hard working woman and you do a great job at work and I am so lucky that I got to meet you and become your friend I hope we know each other for a long time to come. To a great friend Sake…. I mean Saki thank you
♥From Mati♥
Hi, this is me, Mati :P well how can i descriptive at saki? my crazy and great friend hehe, well she is G-R-E-A-T , really funny and crazy, ohh and the last pics i saw she is very sexy hihihi ;) haha, and really nice person, sometime crazy,sometime serious, she is strong and well she is a really important friend for me :) i think we were long time wihout know nothing each other but i glad much that we got so friendly :D and i hope it can keep forever and someday we can meet in real hehehe, because surely it should a really great days, ohhh and she work really hard sometime i wonder how can she be so strong? hahaha i envy u saki :P i wanna have ur patience hahahaa, well i think dont forget how much i love u ok???, keep being as u r ;) aishiteru? is it right? hehe see u saki-chan! xoxoxox